I am often asked what the real meaning of the ego is ... it's a word
much bandied about these days, and there’s some confusion in the way that it is referred to by different spiritual teachers and teachings. Let's explore ...
Psychologists refer to the ego as something we need to strengthen in order to have a healthy sense of self, healthy relationships, and a healthy interaction with the everyday world. On the other hand, metaphysical and traditional spiritual teachings refer to the ego as something erroneous or even evil that needs to be obliterated if we are to transcend suffering and selfishness. And many people believe that the ego is some kind of “thing” or entity, perhaps located somewhere in the brain. But has anyone ever found the ego? Does the ego actually exist? And can you actually get rid of it?
A certain degree of inquiry is likely to reveal that the ego is not a tangible thing. Rather, it is an “inner experience,” a process of mental activity with both a relative and an absolute dimension to it.
On the relative level, a healthy sense of self or ego is indeed necessary if you are to successfully make decisions and take actions. The ego at this level acts as a kind of navigation system, informing you of danger so that you can avoid damage to the life-form that you express yourself through. The benefit of this on a physical level is obvious, and there’s also a psychological benefit. Without an ego you would be unable to differentiate between you and me, and what is in you and what is outside of you. You would be unable to relate to anyone or to the world in a way that’s meaningful and useful. This could be called a state of psychosis. Obviously, the ego and its sense of “I” serves a vital purpose.
But on an absolute level, believing yourself to actually be the ego is a hindrance to awakening to the truth of who you are.
These two seemingly opposing views of ego are not necessarily mutually exclusive — truth is paradoxical. The relative and the absolute exist as two sides of the same coin, and the relationship between them is significant when it comes to living an authentically awakened life in today’s world. In the context of liberation from suffering, the ego is nothing more than a conglomeration of habitual thought patterns and subsequent behavior patterns that revolve around the protection of a sense of “me” and “mine.” In itself, this is harmless and a necessary aspect of living as form. And yet, this “me” conglomerate has become a powerful force that runs our lives, most often with a detrimental result. The momentum of millions of years of survival has created a kind of “out of control” entity that is counterproductive not only to our highest potential, but also to our very existence. Without an awareness of who we really are, humanity is heading toward destruction.
What was once an innocent mechanism that served us in terms of physical survival — and still does — has become corrupted by the voracious psychological appetite for a sense of “me” and “mine.” Ego’s fight or flight strategy is the antithesis of freedom. The continual reactivity to external and internal stimuli creates a deep discomfort we call stress. Examine this stress closely and you’ll notice a restlessness that drives the momentum for all seeking. Whether the search is for material or spiritual satisfaction, this seeking still prevents you from knowing yourself as the pure beingness that underlies all forms. It’s no wonder that stress has become synonymous with the modern condition. The challenge today is to grow beyond this outmoded survival mechanism.
It’s time to evolve beyond ego. And the impulse to turn towards an inner inquiry, into the contemplation and investigation of "Who am I?" (in other words, "who am I prior to the many definitions of who I think I am?"), is the beginning of this evolutionary movement towards awakening.
My friend, this is the most precious of human journeys ... one that offers you the realization of freedom from identity, and the fulfillment of being-ness recognizing itself in you.
Namaste. ❤️🙏
Watch the latest video: The Imperative to Wake Up.