Many psychological and spiritual paths nurture the idea that we should attempt to balance masculine and feminine qualities within ourselves. And this is certainly a good thing. But often the focus is on certain stereotypical qualities ... such as activating our will and intellect as part of the masculine energy, and activating our creative and emotional intelligence as part of the feminine energy. Masculine is often associated with mind-based rational thought and feminine is often associated with body-based sensory and heart-centered awareness.
But all of these qualities and energies are really surface manifestations of something much deeper and essential. As we start to awaken out of the many identities that mask the wide open innocence and nakedness of true nature, we start to see that even the split between mind and heart, intellect and heart, rational thought and creative expression, are all still arising from the divided self. In other words, from the self that still identifies itself as a separate entity with a specific conglomerate of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and roles.
And whilst we are indeed all playing a role, whether it be male or female or something in between or even interchangeable, this is not the depth of who we are. If we go deep inside to examine the nature of our essential being-ness, we discover that which is free of all identities, free of all roles, free of all expressions. In this depth, masculine and feminine merge into one. They are two sides of the same coin. Masculine is our true nature as Presence. And feminine is our true nature as Openness. Together, they are simply Being-ness.
In this deepest realization of who we are, we no longer need to look for "the other half", the opposite quality fulfill us ... for we are already complete. And we no longer see others in such a cut and dried way ... masculine and feminine, male and female, whatever. We honor the expression of it all, we honor the physiological and biological wiring we have been born into, we honor the roles we play ... but we take these roles lightly. We see from the depth of being-ness in ourselves to the depth of being-ness in others. And this is all that truly matters.
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