There is a direct route to freedom, to peace, to a complete revolution of consciousness. This is to penetrate the veil of "experience" and see what is behind, beyond and within all experience.
To "see" means to stop getting caught up in "this is happening to me" and "that is happening to me", to stop being pulled in by the tempest of life, to stop deriving your identity from the experience you are having. This "stop" is not an action from the tight knot of ego-mind that wants to control things. It's a soft pause in perception, a silent stillness for a moment in the midst of the storm. And in this soft pause, an inner vista opens up to reveal a much wider view of reality. If this vision falls open into itself, then you directly "see" or "know" or recognize the open awareness behind, beyond and within all experience. You see it, you know it, you recognize it, because it is one with who you are ... your true nature prior to all experience.
In true nature, you see the true nature of all things. You see that all experience, whether it is horrific or beautiful, is subject to a beginning and an ending. In other words, everything that exists (and this includes every experience you have, every thought, every feeling, every emotion) has a birth and a death. And yet what remains throughout it all is the direct fact of open awareness.
This "seeing" is not an intellectual exercise. You may understand it intellectually or logically, but this is not enough. This "seeing" must be your direct reality, it must come about because you have penetrated reality by looking beyond the mind's narratives, beyond the mind's judgments and opinions and beliefs, beyond the tapestry of experience that weaves itself into who you think you are. The tapestry must come undone. And yet there must be no denial or avoidance of the "leela" of life, the yin and yang, the play of this and that, the felt-sense of experience.
This is not about spiritual bypassing. This is not about a cold detachment. This is about the paradox of being awake within the human experience. This is about being in the world, but not of the world. This is about true freedom, the freedom of not identifying with experience ... because all experiences come and go. This is about true peace, the peace that passeth all understanding ... because this peace is not dependent on circumstances.
This is about a true revolution of consciousness, a revolution that is an evolution out of the myopic ego-state that keeps us locked into the prison of inner and outer division ... because the real awakening is not a state that comes and goes, but a fundamental shift in perception that sees the movie playing itself out without mistaking itself for the movie.
Music of pure light, set to words. Direct and clear as always.
Thank you.